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Canary Reforestation Foundation FORESTA

The Forest Foundation came about with the initial purpose of Recuperating, Maintaining and Preserving the Woodland in the Canary Islands, and as such is the only privately-funded foundation to carry out its own reforestation activities on the archipelago.

The Forest Foundation works by means of reforestation, replanting the historically depleted woodland in order to put a stop to the grave desertification and erosion process that the islands are suffering, and to recuperate and enhance the exceptional Environmental and Cultural Heritage of the Canaries.

Since 1998, the Canary Reforestation Foundation has been developing working strategies and focusing on the reforestation of private land. In addition, it carries out Planning, Management and Execution work for forestry treatment projects aimed at the cleaning of estates, fire prevention, the clearing of brushwood and trees (by cutting back and cutting down), and forestry restoration projects aimed at repopulating degraded areas, replanting on abandoned agricultural land, recovery work on forests affected by fire, the control of invasive species, replanting new forests, specialist technical training through employment projects, research and new working techniques.