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 Senegal National Park Directorate

Below are the fields of action of the Senegal National Park Directorate:

1. To preserve biodiversity and ecosystems: Maintain extensive and representative areas of native ecosystems

2. To safeguard the habitats of endangered species: Preserve populations of species under the threat of extinction and others that may fall into this situation due to their rarity or scarcity (wild plants and animals with very limited distribution).

3. To preserve great natural settings in pristine condition: Its comprehensive conservation in public spaces enables nature to be seen in its most stunning glory by the whole community.

4. To promote education and recreation: Build ideal settings for environmental education equipped with information offices, authorised guides, hiking trails, viewing points and information boards.

5. To boost research: For the development of scientific study. Set out agreements with research centres, provide facilities at the parks and seek the collaboration of trained technical staff who are knowledgeable of the terrain.

6. To protect paleontological settlements: Safeguard settlements of fossils in order to ensure their long-term study and their diffusion at the sites of the findings.